Nuh-uh I’m taller

Thought to myself these bucks had a argument about who was taller and the other three bucks to the left just wanted to eat

Ten Point

Ten Point

Best buck pic 2020

Best buck pic 2020


Public land big boy in New York

Big 8

Territorial 8 using the buck branch from buck stik

Mr. Photogenic

I have several photos of this older buck. I love his forked G-2’s

Heavenly Peace in the Outdoors!

From my trail camera in Union, South Carolina

Double Hit

I use Smokey’s gland lure to make mock scrapes. These two bucks have been hitting my rope and Buckstik for the past two years. They are always together and in this picture, they are each leaving their individual scent in the communication device.

Velvet 8 point

My 8 year old son’s camera that he put by my wife’s stand captured this big velvet 8 point.

First Snow

First Snow