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BuckScore® is a tool used by professional hunters across the country to determine their target bucks for the season and to score their deer after harvest. See what some of them are saying about BuckScore® below!
Jared Mills reviews the life of George Brett a 180-inch mature buck that met an unfortunate end. The story started in the summer of 2014. The buck started off as a giant 8 point with a drop tine that Jared estimated to be a 4 ½-year-old deer. Fast forward to 2015, George Brett had all the features of a 5 ½-year-old buck and with BuckScore, was estimated to break the 180-inch mark. The story ended with Jared finding the buck dead in a fence, uncertain to whether the buck was shot by a poacher, another hunter, or from an injury sustained in an intense buck fight.
For Team 200’s own, Adam Hays, a true trophy is a buck that he’s been able to locate, target, learn how he lives, play his game, and end up beating him at his own game. There’s nothing like that challenge. BuckScore® is a whitetail scoring app that allows hunters to score bucks from images on their trail cameras without ever having to harvest the animal.
Whitetail Edge’s own, Ben Rising, used BuckScore® to score his Kansas buck, Titus. BuckScore® came within 2 inches of the actual gross score and Ben plans to use the app in the future to help get a better idea of a deer’s true size and determine whether or not they will make it on to his hitlist.
Whitetail Edge’s own, Ben Rising, used BuckScore® to score his buck, “Scrape Master”. BuckScore scored the deer within 3 inches, of the 183 inch buck! Impressed with the results, Ben is using the software to determine which of the bucks he has on trail camera will score the most, prioritizing his hit list for the season.
Ben knew this buck was close to 160 inches, but probably was only a few inches short. He used BuckScore® to score the buck from trail camera pictures and the buck turned out to be just shy at 155 inches. When Ben finally caught up with the buck in a ground blind, he turned out to be just shy of 160 inches, just as BuckScore® estimated.
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